interface Router {
    WETH9: TypedContractMethod<[], [string], "view">;
    [internal]: any;
    cancelSwap(bytes32): TypedContractMethod<[cancelIdentifier: BytesLike], [void], "nonpayable">;
    cancelSwap(bytes32,bool): TypedContractMethod<[cancelIdentifier: BytesLike, state: boolean], [void], "nonpayable">;
    execute(bytes,bytes[]): TypedContractMethod<[commands: BytesLike, inputs: BytesLike[]], [void], "payable">;
    execute(bytes,bytes[],uint256): TypedContractMethod<[commands: BytesLike, inputs: BytesLike[], deadline: BigNumberish], [void], "payable">;
    fallback: null | WrappedFallback;
    filters: {};
    interface: RouterInterface;
    onCatalystCall: TypedContractMethod<[purchasedTokens: BigNumberish, data: BytesLike], [void], "nonpayable">;
    runner: null | ContractRunner;
    swapIdentifier: TypedContractMethod<[arg0: AddressLike, arg1: BytesLike], [boolean], "view">;
    target: string | Addressable;
    addListener(event, listener): Promise<Router>;
    attach(target): BaseContract;
    connect(runner?): Router;
    deploymentTransaction(): null | ContractTransactionResponse;
    emit(event, ...args): Promise<boolean>;
    getAddress(): Promise<string>;
    getDeployedCode(): Promise<null | string>;
    getEvent(key): ContractEvent<any[]>;
    getFunction<T>(key): T;
    getFunction(nameOrSignature): TypedContractMethod<[], [string], "view">;
    getFunction(nameOrSignature): TypedContractMethod<[cancelIdentifier: BytesLike], [void], "nonpayable">;
    getFunction(nameOrSignature): TypedContractMethod<[cancelIdentifier: BytesLike, state: boolean], [void], "nonpayable">;
    getFunction(nameOrSignature): TypedContractMethod<[commands: BytesLike, inputs: BytesLike[]], [void], "payable">;
    getFunction(nameOrSignature): TypedContractMethod<[commands: BytesLike, inputs: BytesLike[], deadline: BigNumberish], [void], "payable">;
    getFunction(nameOrSignature): TypedContractMethod<[purchasedTokens: BigNumberish, data: BytesLike], [void], "nonpayable">;
    getFunction(nameOrSignature): TypedContractMethod<[arg0: AddressLike, arg1: BytesLike], [boolean], "view">;
    listenerCount(event?): Promise<number>;
    listeners<TCEvent>(event): Promise<TypedListener<TCEvent>[]>;
    listeners(eventName?): Promise<Listener[]>;
    off(event, listener?): Promise<Router>;
    on<TCEvent>(event, listener): Promise<Router>;
    on<TCEvent>(filter, listener): Promise<Router>;
    once<TCEvent>(event, listener): Promise<Router>;
    once<TCEvent>(filter, listener): Promise<Router>;
    queryFilter<TCEvent>(event, fromBlockOrBlockhash?, toBlock?): Promise<TypedEventLog<TCEvent>[]>;
    queryFilter<TCEvent>(filter, fromBlockOrBlockhash?, toBlock?): Promise<TypedEventLog<TCEvent>[]>;
    queryTransaction(hash): Promise<EventLog[]>;
    removeAllListeners<TCEvent>(event?): Promise<Router>;
    removeListener(event, listener): Promise<Router>;
    waitForDeployment(): Promise<Router>;


  • BaseContract
    • Router


WETH9: TypedContractMethod<[], [string], "view">
[internal]: any


cancelSwap(bytes32): TypedContractMethod<[cancelIdentifier: BytesLike], [void], "nonpayable">
cancelSwap(bytes32,bool): TypedContractMethod<[cancelIdentifier: BytesLike, state: boolean], [void], "nonpayable">
execute(bytes,bytes[]): TypedContractMethod<[commands: BytesLike, inputs: BytesLike[]], [void], "payable">
execute(bytes,bytes[],uint256): TypedContractMethod<[commands: BytesLike, inputs: BytesLike[], deadline: BigNumberish], [void], "payable">
fallback: null | WrappedFallback

The fallback or receive function if any.

filters: {}

Type declaration

    interface: RouterInterface
    onCatalystCall: TypedContractMethod<[purchasedTokens: BigNumberish, data: BytesLike], [void], "nonpayable">
    runner: null | ContractRunner

    The connected runner. This is generally a [[Provider]] or a [[Signer]], which dictates what operations are supported.

    For example, a Contract connected to a [[Provider]] may only execute read-only operations.

    swapIdentifier: TypedContractMethod<[arg0: AddressLike, arg1: BytesLike], [boolean], "view">
    target: string | Addressable

    The target to connect to.

    This can be an address, ENS name or any [[Addressable]], such as another contract. To get the resovled address, use the getAddress method.


    • Alias for [on].


      • event: ContractEventName
      • listener: Listener

      Returns Promise<Router>

    • Return a new Contract instance with the same ABI and runner, but a different %%target%%.


      • target: string | Addressable

      Returns BaseContract

    • Return the transaction used to deploy this contract.

      This is only available if this instance was returned from a [[ContractFactory]].

      Returns null | ContractTransactionResponse

    • Emit an %%event%% calling all listeners with %%args%%.

      Resolves to true if any listeners were called.


      • event: ContractEventName
      • Rest ...args: any[]

      Returns Promise<boolean>

    • Return the resolved address of this Contract.

      Returns Promise<string>

    • Return the deployed bytecode or null if no bytecode is found.

      Returns Promise<null | string>

    • Return the event for a given name. This is useful when a contract event name conflicts with a JavaScript name such as prototype or when using a Contract programatically.


      • key: string | EventFragment

      Returns ContractEvent<any[]>

    • Resolves to the number of listeners of %%event%% or the total number of listeners if unspecified.


      • Optional event: ContractEventName

      Returns Promise<number>

    • Remove the %%listener%% from the listeners for %%event%% or remove all listeners if unspecified.


      • event: ContractEventName
      • Optional listener: Listener

      Returns Promise<Router>

    • @_ignore:


      • hash: string

      Returns Promise<EventLog[]>

    • Alias for [off].


      • event: ContractEventName
      • listener: Listener

      Returns Promise<Router>